Full List of Guides

This is a database page for all the Lord of the Rings Online guides done in LOTRO: Basics. Here you will find links to subseries for some more specific guides, as well as unique guides.

Current list of working on guides:
  • Leveling Builds - Focuses on different specs and trait tree builds geared towards leveling characters.
  • Classes - Focuses on showing off the classes of LOTRO, and what they can do.
  • Character Info - Very broad and general topics to know more about your character.
  • Gear - Focuses on your character's equipment and everything related.
Current list of possible guides:
  • Leveling Guides
  • Questing Guides
  • Zone Guides
  • Races - Similar to classes, this focuses on the races of LOTRO and how they affect your character.
There are more unique guides than shown in these subseries.

Here is a list of all video guides done sorted by order released (newest being near the bottom). Note: Some may be added shortly before the guide is done, written, or even started, but expected to be done very soon!

All of these are up-to-date with Mordor (Update 21.3) in 2017!